Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Five Dollar Challenge!

I'm challenging at least 5 people to donate $5 to Nikita's fund today. A Matching fund is in place that will match all donations made today.
(Up to $250 will be matched).
I still have a ways to go to meet my goal, but I still have faith that it can be done. You don't have to be rich or powerful to be a hero. Every little bit helps bring Nikita to a family. Let's see what we can do!
Just a reminder that the ornaments for gifts of at least $35 deadline is the 15th of December, just ONE WEEK LEFT to get one of these! The Angel Tree runs through to the 31st of December so even if you've missed the deadline for the ornaments, you can still help the waiting Angels meet their goal of $1000 per child and for at least 30 of them to find their forever families!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Any Ideas?

So, I'm starting to realize that maybe marketing wasn't my calling. It's either that, or my ChipIn is broken....

That being the case, I'm looking for some creative minds to help me out. Does anyone have any good fundraising ideas, or ideas for the blog? Anyone? If not, I'll continue with my regularly scheduled pleading. But if anyone has anything brilliant, I'd love to hear it!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Nadya Needs a Loving Family

There is a wonderful lady named Milena who desparately wants to find a family for a little girl named Nadya. I wanted to share her blog with you in hopes that I can help make that happen. You can visit her here.

I know there has to be a family for her somewhere. If we keep getting the word out maybe we can find them.

Nadya needs a family! This beautiful little girl is not living the life she should be. :( Nadya has brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. Caretakers describe her as a really nice girl, has good, adequate reaction when people are talking to her, she is friendly, she speaks, she walks independently. She is also potty trained. Her medical records indicate mental retardation, but there is no specific diagnosis or cause for this cognitive delay. It could be totally institutional, or she could have some level of FAS. She does not have any other noted health complications. She is a beautiful flower ready to blossom in a loving family environment.

Nadya's biological mother died in February 2005, and the biological father was never known. She is legally available for adoption NOW. Nadya is already living in an institution, so we need a family for her right away!

UPDATE: God has been watching Nadya. She was recently transferred out of the institution into a wonderful facility, where they teach these children, work with them, and they appear very well cared for. The difference in the few girls who were transferred OUT of the institution is incredible! Please give these girls a second chance for a loving family!
Please contact Andrea for more information


So, I decided to do a raffle! The prizes will be the book Adopted For Life, and a $10 gift certificate to Chick-fil-A. For anyone who donates at least $5 they will get one entry, anyone who donates $20 or more will receive 2 entries, and for donations of $35 or more, 3 entries. Since the Christmas Angel Tree runs through December 31, I will do the drawing the first week of January. I will post the winner here and contact him or her about getting the prizes. Good luck!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Every so often until we reach December 31st I thought I'd highlight some of the other children currently waiting for homes on Reece's Rainbow. As you look through the children's descriptions you will see that some have the words Significant Risk in red listed next to them. These children are the ones who are in immediate danger of being transferred to an institution soon. Sometimes once they are transferred they can never be adopted again, so are destined to spend the rest of their lives in these places. Sometimes they can be adopted out from them but the mental damage is such that every effort is made to see that they are adopted before that happens. So, I thought I'd like to introduce some of these kids to you and also some of them who are currently in a mental institution somewhere waiting for someone to get them out. I realize that there is not only significant risk for the children, but also for the rest of us if we let our hearts be opened to them and their plight, but I for one think that's a risk I'm willing to take.

So, I would like to first introduce you to one little girl who is on my heart, little Vera. I was actually thinking long and hard about bringing her into my family myself but then learned that it wasn't an option anyway. Apparently Vera's country would rather she spend her life in a mental institution than with me, isn't that a slap in the face. Seriously though, her country doesn't allow single adopters, so on to plan B. If we aren't to be her family, maybe I can find those who are. You can read about Vera below. I do hope that she can find her family for Christmas. Also another lady has been blogging and fundraising for her, you can read here.

Vera (19)
Girl, Born April 8, 2005

Vera is a darling, energetic and happy little girl. She has mild CP and is able to walk on her own. She is very capable and smart. She is already 4 and needs a family quickly!

UPDATE: Infantile cerebral paralysis, double hip dysplasia, systemic violation of the speech (middle level) She is very friendly and smiley girl. She eats herself, can walk holding somebody`s hand. After spending some time with her you start understanding Vera`s speech. According to caregivers words she is very prospective girl, she only needs individual support and treatment.
*** Vera is facing the mental institution soon, please someone give her the life she deserves! ***

Please contact Andrea for more information

I have $1171 in my grant fund towards the cost of my adoption!

This is Benjamin. He is 7 years old. He has Down syndrome and was in an orphanage in Eastern Europe. He was in need of an adoptive family. He still has the need for an adoptive family, but no longer has the chance for one.

You see, in many areas of Eastern Europe, kids with disabilities that age out of the baby house are transfered to mental institutions. Many of these institutions block adoptions, and a child has no way out. They are left to die, and many of them will meet that fate quickly. These institutions are not looking to save lives, but to be a holding place for those that are so forgotten that no one will ever know of their passing, let alone care! Now, some may say "Life is so unfair, why would God let this happen to an innocent child?"... Be careful if you ask this question of God for He may very well say "Why did you?". What prevented someone from coming for Benjamin? Time? Money? Room? His disability? The paperwork involved? The baring of ones life to social workers and various agencies? The risk of heartache? The risk of standing out, of being different? Do you really think these things are BIG problems for God? This childs light has been dimmed, so much so that most, if not all of us will soon forget that he even existed. That is a true tragedy. A child, so precious, so dear to Jesus, so much a part of WHO God is... and we just let him linger and die alone! Like an animal that has become too prevalent, and whose numbers must be thinned, many view this little brown haired beauty as a worthless commodity that has no value. He is just a nuisance that stands in the way of something greater. The lottery of survival of the fittest in the world of an orphan is ugly, brutal, and an everyday reality. And little Benjamin lost the lottery... tough draw kid. :( God is a specific God, and Benjamin was created with love, care, and intricate detail. HOW DARE THAT THE WORLD REJECT THIS PRECIOUS GIFT GOD SO FREELY BLESSED US WITH! HOW DARE WE!!! Did he ever know his mamas loving embrace? Did he ever hear a lullaby as he drifted off to sleep? Was he ever held when he was scared or sick? Was there ever anyone who gave one little smile or felt one tiny sense of pleasure when he accomplished something for the first time? Was he ever held in the arms of one whose heart was singing praises of thankfulness to God for just being able to hold him close? The reality is most likely no to all of these questions. NO! NO? How can a child be born and never know any of these things???? How can we care so little? HOW? Did you know that despite being full of children a number of orphanages are eerily silent? How long does it take for the heart of an innocent child to finally realize that know one cares so they stop crying? stop playing? stop laughing? My heart is sad. Is it wrong to hope he dies quickly and painlessly so that he will know these things, wonderful and loving things in heaven? That he will be perfect? That he will never know loneliness or fear or suffering again? I think it is wrong, it shows a lack of faith and trust in God. Or maybe... in some circumstances and just for a while, it is okay....I will be praying for you little Benjamin. Praying that your Saviors arms rock you to sleep tonight. That he is in your dreams, showing you his love. And that human arms are sent your way and are able to hold you close praising God for your life!

This was written by another family adopting two little ones from Eastern Europe. You should really check out their blog!