Every so often until we reach December 31st I thought I'd highlight some of the other children currently waiting for homes on Reece's Rainbow. As you look through the children's descriptions you will see that some have the words Significant Risk in red listed next to them. These children are the ones who are in immediate danger of being transferred to an institution soon. Sometimes once they are transferred they can never be adopted again, so are destined to spend the rest of their lives in these places. Sometimes they can be adopted out from them but the mental damage is such that every effort is made to see that they are adopted before that happens. So, I thought I'd like to introduce some of these kids to you and also some of them who are currently in a mental institution somewhere waiting for someone to get them out. I realize that there is not only significant risk for the children, but also for the rest of us if we let our hearts be opened to them and their plight, but I for one think that's a risk I'm willing to take.
So, I would like to first introduce you to one little girl who is on my heart, little Vera. I was actually thinking long and hard about bringing her into my family myself but then learned that it wasn't an option anyway. Apparently Vera's country would rather she spend her life in a mental institution than with me, isn't that a slap in the face. Seriously though, her country doesn't allow single adopters, so on to plan B. If we aren't to be her family, maybe I can find those who are. You can read about Vera below. I do hope that she can find her family for Christmas. Also another lady has been blogging and fundraising for her, you can read
Vera (19)
Girl, Born April 8, 2005
Vera is a darling, energetic and happy little girl. She has mild
CP and is able to walk on her own. She is very capable and smart. She is already 4 and needs a family quickly!
UPDATE: Infantile cerebral paralysis, double hip
dysplasia, systemic violation of the speech (middle level) She is very friendly and smiley girl. She eats herself, can walk holding somebody`s hand. After spending some time with her you start understanding Vera`s speech. According to caregivers words she is very prospective girl, she only needs individual support and treatment.
*** Vera is facing the mental institution soon, please someone give her the life she deserves! ***
Please contact
Andrea for more information
I have $1171 in my grant fund towards the cost of my adoption!